Monday 30 April 2012

Day 30 Launch Party

Launch Party.
I go to sonnets anonymous
To cure my dirty ditty habit.
To escape I had to invent a ruse,
Sell my sonnet buddy a gambit,
So I mentioned Covent Garden, opera,
I smiled mumbled something about Mozart.
He said OK but expects a dossier
On who was there, even the D'Oly Carte.

So to feed my need for fourteen
I'm boning up on Sullivan and G
Trouble is their plans are larely Byzantine,
Not subject to a simple precis.

So, Ill concoct to hide my addiction
Now give me 14 lines of fiction.

Day 30, Ashley

I've written a poem each day
And developed the words in my way
I'm now tired and drained
My imagination is sprained
Thank goodness tomorrow is May.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Day 29, Ashley

Nothing might be Better

I look at you
and think nothing
could be better.

And I wonder if
one day I'll discover
whether or not
that's true.

Day 29 Dementia

Dogs and drives you liked: Conservative of course,
A teacher of royals, middle England's heart.
A life spent in fairy tales, come to this.

Family pretends you're normal still,
Straws grasped, speaking as if you understood,
Closing ranks to shut out the truth of you
Stopping up their ears to rumours of screams,
Behaviour that you'd never tolerate
But cannot help, like blood or vomit.

No amount of praying can correct
A dissolution, monosyllables
Dressed in plaid, the skein of manner holding
For now. An ineffable order you create
Walking weary patterns on more time.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Day 28, Ashley

You crushed my heart be-
neath the heel of your stilet-
to. Haiku is dead.

Day 28, Noir

Too late already, time sundialled away…

You shouldn’t have come here, not Mexico
Your white suit makes you easy to spot
If I can do it he can too. Come back,
Was all he said. I don’t care about him.
You will, he runs this town. Owns it. Owns me.
No one owns you, didn’t you tell me that?
That’s from a time I thought I could leave him,
Until he’s finished with me you’re not safe.
I should deal with it. Face your problems, ma said,
So did you. Don’t get in any deeper, just go,
Too many people are ghosts still walking
Like me so do what I say before it’s

…Outside the bar a shadow crossed the window.

Friday 27 April 2012

Day 27, Ashley

I rub my fat thumb
across your undulating
smooth crisp pages. [sigh]